We’ve detected that you’re trying to get a refund from ourtime.com and we have good news: You can get one. But before moving forward, it’s important for you to understand why you may be entitled to this service and what conditions apply. We’ll explain everything below, but first, let’s review some basics about refunds.
If you’re having trouble getting a refund from ourtime com, there are several things to keep in mind. First and foremost: make sure that you have your account settings correctly configured. To do this, follow these steps:
If you have done everything correctly so far then we recommend following these steps:
Select “View Account Status”. This is where you can see your subscription status, payment history and how many members have matched with you. You’ll also be able to see what plan you’re subscribed to (if applicable).
Once you’re on your profile page, click “More Account Status Changes” link. This will take you to the cancellation page where you can cancel your subscription.If you have any questions about canceling your account or notifying us of an issue related to ourtime com (e.g., if we’ve lost your information), please contact us at support@ourtimecom
Review the cancellation policy, then click “Continue to Cancel”.The cancellation policy will tell you how long it takes to cancel and what happens if you do so before that time. It also tells you how much money you will get back.
Now it’s time to choose a reason for cancellation. You can select the option that best describes your situation and click “Continue.”If you’re canceling for an immediate reason, such as losing interest in the service or feeling like it’s no longer worth your time, then leave this section blank. If you’re canceling because of something else—like a change in plans or circumstances—then provide as much detail about what happened as possible so we can help evaluate whether there are any other options available for our members who may be affected by these changes. This information will also help us determine if any refunds are owed based on the circumstances surrounding your cancellation request; remember that if no refunds are warranted, then customers should contact Ourtime Customer Support directly at [customer support phone number](https://www.ourtimecom/help) instead of using this form (which is intended only for use by OurTime).
In order to get a refund, you’ll need to provide additional feedback on your experience with OurTime. Once you’ve completed this step, click “Continue to Cancel.”You can also provide additional feedback on the cancellation policy: If there’s anything in it that needs improvement or clarification, let us know!
Always make sure you check the cancellation policy before canceling. If you cancel before your trial period expires, you will not be charged and can keep all of your data. However, if you cancel after this period has expired and are able to keep all of your data (and there is no way for us to recover it), then we will ask for a fee equal to one month’s worth of ourtime+ subscription fees.
If you have any further questions or concerns, feel free to contact us at support@ourtime.com. We’re always here to help!